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New Developments in Cannabis Technology


In the growing cannabis industry, there's no shortage of cannabis technology products. From metered dosing devices to THC breathalyzers, new technology is emerging to fill the void. One such company, Resolve Digital Health, raised $5 million and invested three years in the development of its smart inhaler. The device uses single-use Smartpods to deliver a precise dose of cannabis oil. It has already signed distribution deals and aims to launch the device sometime in 2019. To add to this, you can click here to know where is weed legal in this country.

Advanced security and farming technologies are the keys to a successful cannabis business. With large cash-only transactions, cannabis businesses are exposed to financial risks. As a result, the cannabis growing facilities and processing plants are increasingly turning to cloud-based access control to ensure their businesses are secure. These technologies will help them improve operations, target new sales channels, and lower operating costs. While these technologies are relatively new, they are already bringing several benefits to the cannabis industry.

Improved LED grow light systems will provide a more uniform color distribution throughout the plants. They will also increase yields. Some new developments in cannabis technology are focused on CBD products. These products usually have poor bioavailability. The majority of CBD is eliminated by the body when it is consumed as oil. However, new technologies are making it easier to prepare cannabis products in precise proportions. High-pressure sodium bulbs will soon be replaced with LED lights.

In the past century, the cannabis industry has undergone tremendous growth and development. Today, marijuana is legal for medicinal use in over thirty-six states and is widely used for recreational purposes in fifteen states. Despite these advancements, marijuana operators are still using rudimentary technology, resulting in operational inefficiencies, financial risks, and customer dissatisfaction. It's time for a change. With the help of technology, consumers can enjoy the benefits of medical or recreational marijuana without the risks.

Storage space for video data has become an essential part of the cannabis industry. Government regulations require cannabis businesses to keep video surveillance footage accessible. This drives the need for additional storage space. Most cannabis businesses store their data on-site, which is expensive and unreliable. Instead, hybrid cloud-based storage technology can store the video data until it's needed. This solution is ideal for cannabis businesses that want to preserve their business. Cannabis businesses are now spending a lot of money on video surveillance footage.

Energy-efficient lighting is the next step. Modern lighting systems are controlled by a computer or smartphone and are adjustable to each plant's needs. Chalice Farms is currently experimenting with a lift system that lets growers adjust their lights based on the type of strain they're growing. Sativa strains grow taller than India, so it's important to maintain a distance between lights and their plants. These technologies are already proving their worth in the cannabis industry. For a general overview of this topic, click here:



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